Munachi Okuagu won the Student Body Treasurer race unopposed, receiving 449 votes out of the 497 ballots cast. Read about winners of the elections for Vice President of Student Organizations here, and Vice President of Student Activities here.
What does the Student Body Treasurer do?
Under senate bylaws, the Student Body Treasurer chairs the Student Fees Allocation Council, which can award funding to students and student organizations. Okuagu will oversee budgets of annually funded organizations, the Student Development Fund and the Student Senate Reserve Fund.
Okuagu will also be responsible for checking to make sure the Student Activity Fee provides enough funds for the year and holding eight office hours a week.
Okuagu serves as a Crew Scholars Success Coordinator and the event planner for the African Caribbean Student Association.
“I meet with the treasurer to go over the organization’s budget to see what I am working with for the school year,” Okuagu said over email. “To have this exposure to the organization’s budget and the behind-the-scenes of it all is the knowledge that will carry over into my position as treasurer.”
Before her election, Okuagu shared her plans for her role
At the beginning of each semester, Okuagu wants to invite the treasurers from each organization on campus to discuss with the Student Fees Allocation Council. The talk would include one-time and annual funding, as well as efficient management of the organization’s budgets.
Okuagu plans to bring members from diverse backgrounds and different majors onto SFAC and provide personal finance education for students.
“I also plan to bring a couple guest speakers to hold space for students to learn more about financial literacy with budgeting their personal finances in college and after college because I think that is crucial knowledge to have throughout life,” Okuagu said.