The election for At-Large Senators, Equity and Inclusion Senator and Academic Senators has been postponed and will now take place between 8 a.m. on Monday, April 18 and 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19. The Times-Delphic moderated a candidate forum on Wednesday at 7 p.m., which the public can view online at the student senate’s Facebook page.
An Academic Senator meets with the dean, assistant or associate dean, or director of the college they represent at least once a month, according to senate bylaws. They must have declared a major in the college they represent. Academic Senators are called to “serve to further the needs and interests” of the students of their respective colleges and are required to hold at least one office hour each week.
Here’s what we asked the candidates about:
Please provide your name, major(s), school year, pronouns, and social media accounts and/or other places where students can learn more about you and your campaign.
If you have platform points for your campaign, please list them and explain the meaning and goals behind each one.
What are your goals for this position? Are there issues that you plan to address, or initiatives that you plan to start or continue?
What qualifications do you have that are relevant to this position, such as involvement with organizations on or off-campus?
In what ways have these qualifications made you an effective student representative, planner and communicator?
How will you ensure that you represent the interests of the students of your college?
What’s your favorite part of the Drake Relays?
All photos were provided by the candidates unless otherwise noted
Senator of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Julia Cash
Julia Cash, Double majoring in Multimedia Journalism and Strategic Political Communications with a minor in Advertising, Instagram: @juliacash4senatorsjmc. [Cash is a first-year student.]
Some points I would like to make in my campaign include:
Renovations for Meredith next year: With this occurrence for the SJMC next year, this will create a divide for the students in the school. I don’t want anyone to see this as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to bring everyone together. I would like to keep everyone [updated] on the Meredith renovations and connect with the community to help the transition. Lastly, I would like to voice the issues of our community, so that we can address and advocate for improvement.
Publications and Organizations: Our publications are in need for more representation. The students put so much effort and hard work into Drake’s publications, and their voices need to be heard. I would like to promote these organizations and publications, shed light on everything they do, provide them the support and resources they need, and boost equity and inclusion within the publications and organizations.
First Amendment rights: It is our right, as journalism students and everyone, to have freedom of press and speech. We need to protect this right. I would like to emphasize the importance of the voices of the community, advocate for honesty, create a platform for everyone to freely express themselves, and denounce all fear to stand up and use their voices to advocate for what is right.
Some general goals I have is:
to maintain a connection between the Dean and Student Body
Unite communities together
Addressing representation for the SJMC
Listening and communicating
Help resolve issues in the community when they arise
Forming a connection between all the schools
Assisting in student career goals
Providing resources and support students need to be successful
I am very passionate about bettering the community. When I was 13, my family and I decided to start a nonprofit organization teaching immigrants and refugees English as a second language. I have worked within that for years, and am currently working for a nonprofit in Altoona, IA. I have seen and helped so many people and I want to continue doing so.
In the J school, I am involved in the Drake Political Review as an Editor, Relays Board as an associate producer, and a member of the Drake Broadcasting system.
Doing nonprofit work means you advocate for what you believe is right and put action into it. Working for nonprofits for years [has] instilled values in me that our community needs a voice and needs to be heard. This has also helped me gain communication and listening skills which are some of the most important skills to be able to create change.
I think being in student organizations and publications gives you incite on the real issues that need to be resolved. I would like to resolve these issues to help our student organizations and publications because they need to be heard. They deserve to be heard and be helped anyway they can.
I will stand up for our school and make sure the students have everything they need to be successful. I want to reach out and help our community anyway I can, and I will put a stop to any issues that seem to occur.
I have not experienced Drake Relays yet, but I can’t wait to paint a square and see the Beautiful Bulldog contest!
Gannon Henry
Please provide your name, major(s), school year, pronouns, and social media accounts and/or other places where students can learn more about you and your campaign. My name is Gannon Henry (He/Him/His), and I am studying Strategic Political Communications in the SJMC. For more information on my campaign, you can find me on Instagram at gannon_henry or you can email me at
If you have platform points for your campaign, please list them and explain the meaning and goals behind each one.
Communication – Communication is a necessity when addressing issues of any kind, so I feel that we need to open up more channels of communication between students, faculty, and the administration. This is something that I want to heavily focus on improving, and as senator, I would make this a reality by consistently meeting with students and the publications. The goal is to listen to your wants and needs so I can incorporate them into my efforts to represent the school and you. Additionally, I’d like to make biweekly updates available in order to increase transparency and keep the student body updated on the events in occurring in senate.
Support our Publications – The publications are a key piece of the SJMC, providing us with numerous opportunities to succeed and grow. As someone who has written for the TD for a little while now, I can confidently say that the support would do amazing things for us and open worlds of new possibilities. I could go on for days with ideas for what we can do to help, but the three most important are getting the Administration to stand with the publications, increased funding, and more collaboration between professors and the publications. I must admit that I cannot promise to magically make the upper administration love the publications or give us more funding, but I can promise that I will consistently fight to make those things a reality. If you’re interested in more about this point, I go significantly more in-depth about it on my Instagram post regarding it, so please check it out!
[covered in 2]
What qualifications do you have that are relevant to this position, such as involvement with organizations on or off-campus?
Throughout the past year I’ve been working as the Student Senate beat writer for the Times-Delphic, which has required me to attend every senate meeting and provide the student body with accurate and unbiased coverage of the events unfolding there. I think the articles I’ve written speak for themselves when it comes to my commitment to that position, and I intend to continue that work from the Senate side next year.
Along with this, I think it’s fair to say that my commitment to the SJMC is another qualifier, as it’s why I’m running. I genuinely want the SJMC to be the best that it can be, and I’m more than willing to put in the time and effort required to make that happen.
In what ways have these qualifications made you an effective student representative, planner and communicator?
Two of the most important things I’ve gotten good at while working at the Times-Delphic is listening and asking questions. Effective communication requires listening and is largely benefitted by good questions, and I think that also helps when representing the students because you’ll know that I’m taking in every word and trying to incorporate that into my approach.
How will you ensure that you represent the interests of the students of your college?
It all comes back to listening and effectively communicating with students. If students have anything to say that will help me better represent them as a member of the SJMC, I will listen, and I will incorporate that into my efforts. Along with this, I’m not planning to sit back and relax in this position. If I’m elected, I will be putting in the work to make sure that the things our students care about become a reality.
What’s your favorite part of the Drake Relays?
I love the buzz around campus, because for that week Drake has a completely different feel to it. Regardless of whether you’re planning to take part in the events or activities I think everyone feels the excitement, and that’s amazing to see.
College of Business and Public Administration
Melissa Moxon is running unopposed for CBPA Senator. She did not reply to requests for comment on the above questions. Moxon has posted about her campaign at @melissa.moxon.
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Kitri Reimer
My name is Kit Reimer, I am a sophomore pre-Pharmacy major (graduating in 2026), and my pronouns are she/her/hers.
2/3. My purpose for running for this position is to represent the students in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, bringing their voices forward and making sure their concerns are being heard. It is important to have a different perspective as with healthcare education and pharmacy in the senate. When also heading the Student Governance Association of CPHS, I would better connect delegates with their classes, prioritizing transparency, and communication.
[covered in 2.]
I have been elected as a representative for my pharmacy class in SGA for two years now. I have attended SGA meetings and watched how they work, how people have led it in the past, and have met with the current leader of SGA and others in this organization I would be leading if I won this election and have goals to better connect SGA.
In high school and both years of my time at Drake I have represented groups of students in a student government. I can effectively communicate with many students and gauge any questions or concerns they have and make sure they are being met.
I will ensure I represent the interests of the students in my college by creating/continuing a safe environment in SGA and helping delegates connect with their peers so they can bring forward any problems to their delegates who can pass along the information to me. I will work closely with the Dean and Asst. Dean of CPHS to find a solution to problems and focus on items to bring forward to the senate that are important to the college.
My favorite part of the Drake Relays is watching the track and field events and cheering friends on!
Stacia Humphrey
Please provide your name, major(s), school year, pronouns, and social media account and/or other places where students can learn more about you and your campaign.
Stacia Humphrey (she/her) and I am a P1
If you have platform points for your campaign, please list them and explain the meaning and goals behind each one.
Bridge the disconnect that I believe [exists] between students of color, as well as transfer students, within the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
As a Black woman, I have felt disconnected from the college. I struggle with being able to find spaces [where] I feel comfortable, and I do not want others to feel the same. I believe my unique perspective can be used to implement new ideas.
Work to ensure the environment within the college is welcoming and a holistic view of both the professors and students
This will be done by getting student feedback on professors, but also getting professors feedback. Many professors are seeking positions in DEI work. This shows that these professors are supportive of students of color, but it can often seem like the college is set up against us. I hope to build better relationships between students and professors, both inside and outside of the classroom.
What are your goals for this position? Are there issues that you plan to address, or initiatives that you plan to start or continue?
I hope to make sure all voices are heard. I will ask for consistent student feedback to ensure all is being done to make their experience the best, not only during certain parts of the semester. I want to ensure that students know that professors are there to support them, and hope to do that by building better relationships between groups outside of the classroom. I plan to implement workshops/programs that allow students to learn what work faculty/staff are doing outside of class. I believe this allows us to get to know professors on a more personal level and helps build connections. I also hope to get more involvement and exposure to the DEI work that is upcoming within the college. This will allow those who feel out of place to know they are supported, making the classroom a safer place.
What qualifications do you have that are relevant to this position, such as involvement with organizations on or off-campus?
I currently work at the Medicap Pharmacy in Grimes and have experience working with people of many different backgrounds. I also work in the Office of Community Engaged Learning, working with students to help them find service opportunities in the community that fit their interest. Lastly, I am the President of the Eta Tau chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
In what ways have these qualifications made you an effective student representative, planner and communicator?
All of these positions have allowed me to learn how to communicate with those who have different ideas and views than me. In all of these roles, I come in contact with a diverse group of people, and I am still able to convey my ideas in a way that does not tear down anyone else. In these positions I also have to convey a lot of empathy. Being emotionally aware is something I pride myself in and believe it is one reason I will be a great student representative. Lastly, all of these positions take a lot of time. Being involved, as well as taking the rigorous pharmacy curriculum has allowed me to plan effectively. All things go in my planner, allowing me to stay organized.
How will you ensure that you represent the interests of the students of your college?
I will ensure that I am accessible to students. I will provide fast and effective communication to students, as well as allowing students to be personable with me due to the fact that I will be open and personable with them. Building connections with students, along with collecting their feedback, will allow me to understand their needs and represent them in the best way I can.
What’s your favorite part of the Drake Relays?
I have not had a true Relays experience, due to COVID. However, this year I am excited to connect with the alumni that come down from all over.
College of Arts and Sciences
Tiffany Lopez
Please provide your name, major(s), school year, pronouns, and social media accounts and/or other places where students can learn more about you and your campaign.
Tiffany Lopez, Psychology, First year, She/Her, I don’t hold a social media account.
If you have platform points for your campaign, please list them and explain the meaning and goals behind each one.
To build better relations between students and staff
To host entertaining events in hopes to build connections with one another
Bring awareness toward resources provided
What are your goals for this position? Are there issues that you plan to address, or initiatives that you plan to start or continue?
I find that the College of Arts and Sciences is disconnected from its students. My goal is to help bring a better connection between students and staff. To help students feel comfortable when addressing any member from the College of Arts and science.
What qualifications do you have that are relevant to this position, such as involvement with organizations on or off-campus?
I’ve held fundraisers for the American Diabetes Association. I was one of the few minors at the time to communicate with adult to plan a place, time, and event. I also make it a habit to donate blood when I go back home to Chicago. On-campus I am Carpenter Hall’s fourth-floor representative. I am a member of the Student Alumni Association.
In what ways have these qualifications made you an effective student representative, planner and communicator?
I have been involved with Student Government for six years and counting. I have developed skills over the years to build new connections and find the best solutions possible. Over these years I have been placed in presidential positions where I was in charge of planning and hosting events.
How will you ensure that you represent the interests of the students of your college?
I will make time to communicate with students. As a single person, I plan to have surveys to ask students what is wanted. I am also looking into a suggestion box so students can use that if they don’t want to wait for surveys.
What’s your favorite part of the Drake Relays?
It is my first time experiencing Drake Relays. I am excited to see what these events have to hold.
School of Education
Ben Connolly
Please provide your name, major(s), school year, pronouns, and social media accounts and/or other places where students can learn more about you and your campaign.
~Hey, there! My name is Ben Connolly (he/him/his), and I am a first year studying Elementary Education and Multimedia Journalism. I am currently running for the School of Education Senator, and students can reach me and information regarding my campaign on Instagram @benforsenator_drakeuni or by email at My public Facebook event to advertise my campaign is entitled “Ben Connolly for School of Education Senator.” Students can respond with “Interested” or “Going” to follow along with the platform.
If you have platform points for your campaign, please list them and explain the meaning and goals behind each one.
~My platform is built on my commitment to being “Drake Dedicated,” which includes two facets: community engagement and student outreach/accommodation. Both factors validate students’ experiences, identity, and DEI knowledge, drawing them [into] inclusive SOE events.
What are your goals for this position? Are there issues that you plan to address, or initiatives that you plan to start or continue?
~I have the vision to represent the School of Education as a cohesive unit, drawing in student leaders, future educators, and those passionate about DEI into the building’s events and conversations. I bring a fresh perspective to SOE with my active community involvement; I invest my time in Residence Life, Student Senate, Honors, and music programming. Some primary objectives I have within my “Drake Dedicated in the School of Ed” platform are to build on the peer-partner mentorship project put into place by the current School of Education Senator Kennedy Ihrig and increase student awareness of weekly Mindfulness Activities led by Dean Ryan Wise. My ideas for inclusive and conversation-based programs include a monthly discussion forum and bi-weekly coffee buddy dates between two students in a teaching practicum. SOE might benefit from reaching out to the community, namely the Boys and Girls Club down the street. A [collaboration] with the kids of BGC (like a college student to child read-aloud) would bring in so much student experience. When introducing prospective students to campus, I would like Student Ambassadors to consider working with Admissions and promote SOE by tabling at admitted students’ day. The most difficult goal of mine would have to be bridging the gap between Elementary Ed and Secondary Ed majors; upper-level classes in SOE tend isolate these individuals from one another. Students need to feel engaged and a part of SOE life; and the KDPi/DEA Honors Society is a great first step. It recently got approved as a temporary RSO on Senate, so I hope to continue to promote this organization and its voice within SOE.
What qualifications do you have that are relevant to this position, such as involvement with organizations on or off-campus?
~A self-proclaimed challenge-seeker, it is my desire to utilize the leadership skills I have acquired in my time at Drake and apply them to the SOE Senator position. I have current Senate experience, serving as the Secretary and Public Affairs Officer for the 35th Session this semester. I am able to observe campus discussions and see myself in a Senator role through my Senate involvement. Outside of Student Senate, I am a singer in Drake Choir and Brocal Chords, a Prevention Ambassador, Vice President of Carpenter Hall, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Co-Chair on RHA, Publicity Chair of Honors, and a Resident Assistant for next year! Moving a couple of times in my younger years, I can say with certainty that the most challenging part about easing into Drake as a first year is getting acquainted with others and feeling comfortable in your environment. Now, I find myself in a welcoming, inviting School of Education, eager to guide students in their academic life.
In what ways have these qualifications made you an effective student representative, planner and communicator?
~I have developed patience in my leadership with RA training, knowledge of planning and executing small-scale and large-scale programs with RHA, awareness for Drake Violence and Prevention Programs with Prevention Ambassadors, and appreciation for DEI in my student teaching practicum and residence life.
How will you ensure that you represent the interests of the students of your college?
~Having many support resources and connections on Drake campus through my involvement, I am confident in my ability to reach those in my school and welcome their stories, concerns, and suggestions. I will be a resource for others next year when I have my own residents as an RA, so the School of Education Senator takes the communication aspect of that role and magnifies it. In running this campaign, I bring experience working with kids as an aspiring elementary educator, I own my struggles with burnout and overinvolvement, and yet I still maintain the initiative to learn and grow alongside others. This Senate position is for me!
What’s your favorite part of the Drake Relays?
~So far, it is the excitement surrounding Painted Street, the paint fight, and the anticipation of waiting to perform the National Anthem at Drake Relays. Also, we won’t have classes, so that is exciting!
The Times-Delphic made minor edits to these responses for clarity and style.