Security Reports: 10/13/11

Photo: File photo

5:55 p.m. Oct. 4
Security and police responded to 29th Street and University Avenue on a motor vehicle accident. A male Drake student did not observe vehicles stopped in front of him at the pedestrian crosswalk causing him to crash into the vehicle in front of him. The non-Drake affiliated female in the vehicle that was hit, stated her head hit the steering wheel and it hurt. She wanted an ambulance to check on her. DM Fire Medics arrived. She was treated on scene, and refused to go the hospital. Police had both drivers exchange names and insurance information.

9:53 p.m. Oct. 4
Security was called to lot #34 in the 1200 block of 30th Street. A female Drake student reported that her vehicle’s front driver’s side and passenger tires had been slashed

8:44 p.m. Oct. 7
Security responded to Crawford Residence Hall on a report that a male urinated in a room in front of a female Drake student. The underage-for-drinking male Drake student was located. He stated he had been drinking on Greek street at a fraternity house. Police were called. The male student stated he could not remember urinating. He was advised he would have to pay for the damages and was advised of trespass for the hall. Residence life was advised.

2:13 a.m. Oct. 9
Security responded to Goodwin-Kirk Residence Hall on a report that a student had drunk to much alcohol. Security found the underage-for-drinking male student passed out and unresponsive. Fire Medics were called and the student was transported to a local hospital. Residence life was advised.