In the most recent two editions of The Times-Delphic I have noticed an advertisement for the AGAPE Pregnancy Center here in Des Moines. I am concerned about this organization because they are known to be what is termed a “crisis pregnancy center.” Crisis pregnancy centers are largely fronts for anti-choice, anti-abortion organizations and they are known for providing misleading information to young women who may be facing an unplanned pregnancy. While their ads lead women to believe they offer free services, they do not offer comprehensive reproductive information. I find it deeply troubling and problematic that The Times-Delphic is taking advertising money from these deceptive and harmful organizations. At the very least, if you must take its money, publish a disclaimer next to the ad so young women won’t be fooled into thinking they can get free health care, when what they get is propaganda and harmful lies.
Thank you,
Beth Younger
Associate professor of English and Women’s and Gender Studies
sal • Oct 2, 2014 at 1:22 pm
Young women are stupid. It is beyond my limited comprehension why some people do not understand that these unpleasant actions are necessary for their own good. Are we not happier and better off because we have people who know best to decide for us? Are they not doing it solely out of love and compassion? Opposing viewpoints cannot be tolerated for the good of all.
Dave • Sep 30, 2014 at 12:42 pm
So, does Beth Younger know who destroyed the newspapers?
Mark J • Sep 30, 2014 at 8:43 am
As I read in the article, Planned Parenthood also advertises in the paper. Hopefully the disclaimer next to their advertisement points out that they are the leading abortion provider in the US. Also, it would hopefully point out that a baby’s heartbeat begins around day 18. The unique DNA created at conception contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, just like a newborn, teenager and adult human. The newly created embryo is not going to grow up to be anything else but a human, it is not a mystery. They might need a bigger disclaimer box for PP though, I mean relative to the “misleading” AGAPE center.
Mark • Oct 6, 2014 at 10:28 am
Beautiful reply. You just made my morning, thanks.
Dave • Sep 26, 2014 at 9:04 pm
Woman are smart enough to figure this out for themselves. Please don’t imply otherwise.