Times-Delphic: As newly elected vice president of student activities, what are the first steps you will take to improve Drake University?
Adam Graves: One of the major things that I ran on was the idea of implementing events that make a meaning on campus. I feel that Drake students love social issues. They get very passionate about certain topics, so planning an event that students are more interested in would definitely increase the amount of students attending, and it also makes more of an impact. I also want to extend the discussion of the topic for longer than an hour or two that the guest is here on campus and maybe have organized discussions on it, visit classes to present on it or more. This way, it is making more of an impact here on Drake’s campus.
TD: What do you believe is the most important issue Drake faces and that you plan to address immediately?
AG: One of the most important issues that I feel Drake struggles with is marketing their events. Something that I want to implement into campus is to expand the marketing in unique ways to help the activities stand out. This is definitely something that I still need to work on to figure out how I am going to help with that problem, but I know it will get done.
TD: What are your goals for your term?
AG: One of my goals is to help improve the committee process of SAB. I want to have committee members feel more involved and engaged and in the future actually be able to list results that committees have helped with programming or marketing an event.
TD: What are you most excited for about being vice president of student activities?
AG: I am most excited about working with my board to start programming. I have been interviewing all week long and every person that has come into the room to interview is just so happy and enthusiastic about the organization, and it just makes me even more motivated to get started and have the board help make a difference on this campus.
TD: What challenges will you have to overcome in order to carry out your goals?
AG: I am not fully sure what my biggest challenge would be. I am still in the state of being excited and pretty soon have to start actually working on next year. So as of now, nothing that I have thought of.
TD: How will you work alongside Student Body President Joey Gale and Vice President of Student Life Josh Duden to ensure that their goals and yours are fulfilled?
AG: I am super excited to work with Joey and Josh. Just seeing their passion and drive is amazing, and I know that the three of us will help do great things here at Drake, and that is how I feel that we will make sure that our goals are fulfilled, just by being passionate and dedicated workers.