World AIDS Day 2010 is about raising awareness to tackle HIV prejudice and help stop the spread of HIV worldwide. World AIDS Day is celebrated annually on Dec. 1. It has become one of the most recognized international health days and a key opportunity to not only just raise awareness, but also to commemorate those who have passed on, and celebrate victories such as increase access to treatment and prevention services.
The holidays are almost here, and the a Drake University student and the current president of the ONE organization here on campus, my holiday wish, along with our current members on campus, is to give the gift that keeps on giving – lifesaving antiretroviral medications for the 33 million people worldwide suffering from HIV/AIDS.
More than 14 million children have lost one or more parents to the disease, ex¬acerbating a social dynamic that is already deeply challenged by crime, violence and unemployment.
However, there is hope. With groundbreaking initiatives like The Global Fund, millions of lives are being saved. Through innovative partnerships, The Global Fund channels resources to country-driven programs with demonstrated results in delivering essential treatment, prevention and care. Since 2002, programs supported by The Global Fund have saved an estimated 5.7 million lives.
As we make our way through upcoming exams and see light at the end of the academic tunnel, we must not forget we can provide these children, men and women with a voice.