WHAT: Bruce Brubaker, piano department chair at New England Conservatory, piano recital
WHERE: Fred and Patty Turner Jazz Center
WHEN: 7:30-9 p.m.
WHAT: “How to Make an Argument for Life” sponsored by Respect for Life
WHERE: Lower Olmsted: Bulldog Theatre
WHEN: 6-7 p.m.
WHAT: Residence hall Executive Council Information Sessions
WHERE: Carpenter Lobby and Goodwin-Kirk Lobby
WHEN: 7-8 p.m.
AUG. 22: First day of fall semester. Remember to attend your first day of class or you will be dropped from the course per Drake’s enrollment validation policy.
AUG. 25: Last day to change your meal plan in Lower Olmsted by 4 p.m.
AUG. 26: Last day to add a class with an add/drop slip from the instructor.
SEPT. 2: Last day to drop a class with an add/drop slip from the instructor.