The 31st Student Senate Session is officially complete as of 8 p.m. tonight.
The new Senators-at-Large are:
Bakari Caldwell
JD Stehwien
Deshauna Carter
Olivia Wassen
Nick Johnston
Giada Morresi
Samantha Bayne
Kollin Crompton
Names are listed in order of the number of votes received.
The new Equity and Inclusion Senator is:
Jose Garcia-Fuerte
The new Academic Senators are:
School of Education
Darbee Farley
Arts & Science Senator
Emily Anderson
School of Journalism and Mass Communication Senator
Jake Bullington
College of Business and Public Administration Senator
Daniel Newsome
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Senator
Alex Maciejewski
Fine Arts Senator
Nicholas Black
If students have any questions about the election, they can reach out to [email protected].