Story by Emma Wilson
Student Senate Vice President David Karaz and Public Affairs Officer Sia Ekonomou proposed a previous notice bylaw amendment on Thursday night to expand the position of public affairs officer to two positions: public relations liaison and graphic design officer.
“I feel like I didn’t really know all of what the position entailed when I entered this year,” Ekonomou said. “I feel like if we had a public relations position and a graphic design person, they would be able to get a lot more done for Senate and would be able to handle everything better.”
Ekonomou said she felt announcements would be respected more by the student body if they came from the public relations liaison rather than the public affairs officer.
Student Senate will vote on the motion next week.
In addition, the club formerly known as La Fuerza Latina was approved to change its name to El Ritmo Latino.
This change was inspired by a desire to change the club’s image and welcome students who are not of Latino or Hispanic descent.
In Spanish, La Fuerza Latina means “Latin force,” and the club thinks the new name El Ritmo, which means “the rhythm,” will encourage a greater variety of students to join.
The motion was passed by acclimation.
Enactus, formerly known as SIFE, requested one-time funding to attend the Enactus National Competition.
“The national competition is a great way for us to interact with other people involved in Enactus,” Sen. James Ley, a member of Enactus, said.
The motion was passed by acclimation.
The Tae Kwon-Do Club requested an equipment funding allocation for new sparring equipment. Sparring equipment is used in competitions and to teach self-defense skills. The club requested enough money to pay for eight sets of sparring equipment.
The motion was passed by acclimation.
In senator reports, Sen. Josh Schoenblatt confirmed that there will be puppies on campus during finals week to give students a break and to motivate them.