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The Student News Site of Drake University

The Times-Delphic

The Student News Site of Drake University

The Times-Delphic

The Student News Site of Drake University

The Times-Delphic

About Us

The Times-Delphic is a student newspaper published weekly on Wednesdays during the regular academic year and produced by undergraduate students at Drake University. The opinions of staff editorials reflect the institutional opinion of the newspaper based on current staff opinions and the newspaper’s traditions.

These opinions do not necessarily reflect those of individual employees of the paper, Drake University, or members of the student body. All other opinions appearing throughout the paper are those of the author or artist named within the column.

The staff at The Times-Delphic does not endorse any political candidate. The newsroom and business office of The Times-Delphic is located in Meredith Hall, Room 124. The Times-Delphic is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press.

Letters & Submission Policy

The Times-Delphic strives to represent student views as accurately and honestly as possible. We rely on readers to provide us with criticism, comments and new ideas so that we can continue to serve the interests of the students in the fairest possible way.

We encourage interested readers to submit letters to the editor. Letters must include the author’s name and phone number or email address. Unsigned letters will not be published. Deadlines for guest submissions are Sunday by noon for the Wednesday edition.

The Times-Delphic reserves the right to edit letters and submissions for space and in the interest of taste. Letters and submissions reflect only the opinions of the authors and should be limited to 250 words. Send submissions to [email protected].

AI Policy

Times-Delphic journalists can use AI resources as a tool — for brainstorming, transcription, etc. — but not to perform their job. The Times-Delphic’s goal of informing the student body can be aided by use of its services, but our paper’s principles of integrity and transparency would be compromised by its use to write an article or generate a photo. When reporters use generative AI in explanatory reporting to display its functions, they will clearly mark how it was used.

Advertising Policy

The Times-Delphic’s business office is located at 2507 University Avenue, 124 Meredith Hall, Des Moines, IA 50311. The Times-Delphic is published on Wednesdays during the University’s fall and spring academic terms. The newspaper is distributed for free around the Drake campus.

All advertising information must be submitted by noon on Sunday to be included in the Wednesday edition. Advertisements can be designed by The Times-Delphic or submitted to [email protected]. We accept cash and checks.

Advertisements are available for print or online, view our ad shop for pricing and availability. 

Policy for External News Organizations

We will share campus-wide emails with interested publications. We will not share personal information regarding any of our sources including interview material. Times-Delphic staff members have no responsibility to be interviewed for student perspectives, as it often implies bias.

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