Drake’s Outdoor Leadership Club (DOLC) bonded while walking on water at Greenwood-Ashworth Park this past Saturday.
After the first week back with in-person learning, DOLC, a club that encourages students to get outside and get active, had their first meeting of the semester last weekend in the form of a hike.
While on the hike, the members came across a pond that had frozen over with a thick layer of ice.
The hiking group decided to slide around.
Sophie Van Zee, vice president of DOLC, said sliding around the pond with the other members was her favorite part of the hike.
“It was good to see some new faces,” said Kate Wilson, president of DOLC. “There were a couple people I hadn’t met before, and I got to bond with some newer EC members I hadn’t really gotten a big chance to know yet.”
“It was good to feel closer to everyone,” DOLC treasurer Sydney Dvorak said, “We were all laughing together, having fun. It was really just an enjoyable experience. But it helped me to kind of let loose.”
Overall, the first meeting of the semester was one that bonded the members of DOLC closer together.
Van Zee said getting outside and getting to know people who also enjoy the outdoors was why she joined DOLC in her first year at Drake.
“It’s a brain break to be outside. It really helps me clear my head,” Van Zee said.
“With school being back in person this week, it’s been a little stressful and that really helped, like, chill me out,” Dvorak said.
Dvorak said being outside and away from Drake and constant technology for a few hours was beneficial for her and gave her a break from schoolwork.
Wilson said that DOLC tries to have some similar activities every month including hikes and rock climbing.
Van Zee said that many of the activities are highly weather dependent as it is an outdoor club, but when unique opportunities present themselves, the members jump on them.
Wilson said that though she is the one who chose the activity for this past meeting, she is hoping to get more members involved with future planning.