With the 2020 election nearing its end, based upon media outlets proclaiming Biden as the clear winner, one can think optimistically about the next four years of America. City streets across the nation are filled with thousands of people celebrating the victory of projected President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
During Biden’s first remarks on the day he was projected by the media as the indisputable winner of the election, he spoke directly to Trump supporters.
“But now, let’s give each other a chance, it’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric. To lower the temperature, to see each other again, to listen to each other again,” Biden said during his speech. “To make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They are not our enemies, they are Americans.”
Powerful words to a hurting America, but do these words carry any weight in order to “unify” the country as Biden promises? Well, let’s jump to social media just to see.
All I have to say is that next time you post something on social media, ask yourself this: “Is what I’m posting contributing towards the unification of this broken nation, or further spewing the hate and negativity we see play out on all social platforms?”
As you will read from the examples below, social media has created a platform for those wishing to use their insecure and nasty selves to tear down others with differing perspectives from their own. It’s not about political discourse anymore, but rather who can create the most provocative post to get the most likes.
Listed below are the many posts I have come across from the past weeks posted by both Republicans and Democrats alike:
From Twitter, we have a popular posted message that reads, “If you voted for Trump, I mean this in the most disrespectful way possible, I do not want anything to do with you. Not only did you vote against basic human rights and equality, you decided racism, homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia and misogynistic behavior wasn’t a deal breaker.”
Another tweet found from @mariasirens reads, “Seeing Latino Trump doesn’t shock me but like….. Y’all are embarrassing. Y’all wanna be white so bad that you sit there with trump supporters and listen to the way they speak about latinos and somehow convince yourselves that they’re not talking about you lmfao.”
Another post shows the caption “Latino Trump supporters” with a picture of clowns.
On feminist news, we see a post that reads, “Attention all women with Trump supporting husbands or boyfriends take notes:” where the post shows Lil Wayne’s Girlfriend dumping him because of his political affiliation.
As of this past week, Iowa State Republicans got their entire organization disbanded for tweeting out posts to “take up arms” right after Biden was projected to win the 2020 presidency.
Another post from Facebook reads, “Just a reminder that if you vote for Trump today, you vote for a candidate endorsed by the KKK who refused to denounce white supremacist group…(more to the quote below)…If that isn’t enough of a reason to vote against him, you’re probably *not* a very good person.”
Another post from Facebook from a Republican states, “F*ck Biden And F*ck You For Voting For him!”
A post on Instagram reads, “Lol sorry to @DrakeCollegeRepublicans UR ALL RACIST,” where another reads,” If you voted for Trump…pls unfollow me. And i mean this in the most disrespectful way, you’re disgusting. We cannot be friends.”
All posts mentioned above are a combination of pictures I have taken note of over the past week from peers and Drake University students alike. Although I understand the politicized nature of the current times, one can’t help to see the contradictory nature of college students from both ideologies compared to Biden’s promises to unify the nation again.
The Divided States of America will not heal with the change of a new president, but rather the changed mentality that all of us are Americans who must listen and respect each other. Yet I guess that’s merely subjective now depending on who one voted for.
Citizens of the United States of America, c’mon, we are better than this! To disagree with the above statement is to go against the projected president that citizens just voted in.
For those wishing to spew vulgar animosity after reading this will only reiterate the fact that they are the blockade holding America back from a more harmonious and perfect union.