This is addressed to the author of “Unofficial Relays Drinking Tradition,” Ms. Emily Hecker.
I am a Drake super senior with a triple major in directing, musical theatre and special education. I must say…your article was the most pretentious piece of text I have ever seen in the Times Register in five years.
First of all, you are a freshman. Have you been to a Relays celebration at Drake? Have you ever walked past and seen these celebrations you so harshly condemn? Besides what you have heard from your friends, your entire article is based solely on second-hand gossip, which you probably heard from people who, like yourself, have never been to one of these parties.
Second, I am 23 years old. Who are you to tell me whether I should have a drink or not? Sure, the article might not have been intended for me, but your novice writing made no mention who your intended audience was. You speak to the entire Drake community, regardless of whether they choose to stay sober, have a glass of wine at dinner or take a two-minute keg stand (look it up).
Third, please stop trying to cover up your intent with cheap phrases like “I’m not hear to preach to anyone as a mother, interventionist or therapist.” If your intent is to not do any of those things, then stop doing it. You can’t lecture someone and then suddenly say, “I’m not here to lecture someone” and have it all be OK.
Don’t get me wrong. I respect your choice 100 percent. I am not saying that you should go out and get drunk. That is not what I am here for. What I do not respect is being talked to like a child…by a child. If you want to really change lives, write an editorial that does not demean the people you want to “help.”
Before you go telling me and the rest of my Drake family how to live our lives, perhaps you should complete your first year.
Ben Raanan (completed 157 credits…even if I did have a beer or two along the way)
[email protected]