10:59 a.m. Jan. 17
Drake Security personnel were notified by a Drake staff member that a projector was taken from the Fine Arts Center. An unknown suspect(s) entered the Fine Arts Center and used force to remove a projector that was mounted from the ceiling and secured with a cable lock. The Des Moines Police Department was contacted, and a police report was filed. The value of the projector was approximately $2,400.
6:30 a.m. Jan. 18
Drake Security personnel were notified via email by a Drake staff member that she had slipped on a patch of ice yesterday morning. She stated that she slipped in front of the northeast steps of Goodwin-Kirk Residence Hall. Facilities were notified of this incident. The staff member denied medical attention and stated her knees were slightly bruised.
4:49 p.m. Jan. 20
While on routine patrol, Drake Security personnel observed a vehicle parked in the intramural fields parking lot located on the 1600 block of 30th Street. The vehicle was occupied by two male subjects. Security contacted the subjects to conduct a welfare check. Upon contacting both subjects, a strong odor of marijuana emanated from the vehicle. Both subjects are non-Drake affiliated and admitted to smoking marijuana prior to the officer’s arrival. Both subjects were advised that they were not allowed on campus and left the area without further incident.
9:39 p.m. Jan 20
Drake Security personnel responded to 31st Street and University Avenue on a report of a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Upon arrival, security found this to be a solo car accident involving a female, approximately 50 years old and unknown if she is Drake affiliated. The female was unconscious and appeared to have a head injury. The Des Moines Police Department and medics arrived on scene and the female was transported to a local hospital for treatment.
4:34 p.m. Jan. 21
Drake Security personnel observed a female in the 1200 block of 24th Street attempting to park her vehicle. She struck the vehicle that was parked behind her and fled the scene with her headlights off. Security contacted the Des Moines Police Department, which conducted a traffic stop. The female was identified as a Drake student and was arrested for OWI/Hit and Run. The dean of students was informed of this incident.
10:23 a.m. Jan. 22
Drake Security personnel responded to Hubbell Dining Hall due to a fire alarm/ smoke detector that was activated. Security contacted the Des Moines Fire Department, which responded to the scene. After the DMFD inspected the area, it advised that the scene was secure and reset the alarm.
12:35 p.m. Jan. 22
Drake Security responded to the Fine Arts Center on a report of a possible theft from the CADD lab. Upon arrival, security contacted the reporting party, which was a Drake student. The student stated that when he went to the lab, he noticed that one of the glass panels on the lab door had been shattered. After Drake staff inventoried the room, it was determined that two computers and one projector were missing. The projector was mounted from the ceiling and was secured with a cable lock. The Des Moines Police Department was contacted and a police report was filed. Facilities were notified, and the door was repaired.
7:44 a.m. Jan. 23
Drake Security was advised by a Drake staff member that it appeared as though several cars have been rummaged through in lot No. 33. Upon arrival, officers noticed two vehicles that appeared to have been rummaged through. The owners, who are both female Drake students, were contacted by the officers. Upon inspection of the vehicles, the only item that appeared to be missing was a car cell phone charger. There were no signs of forced entry to either vehicle.
2:55 a.m. Aug. 27
Drake Security personnel were notified by a Drake staff member that there was a subject near the front entrance of Aliber Hall. The subject was reported to be aggressive in nature and screaming at others as they walked by. Security contacted the identified individual. He appeared agitated and aggressive and started to shout obscenities at security personnel. Security advised the non-Drake affiliated male that he was not allowed on Drake property, and that if he returned he would be arrested for trespassing. The Des Moines Police Department also informed the subject of the trespass advisement. The subject left the area without further incident.