Election 2016: Poll indicates who Drake students, faculty want in the White House

The Times-Delphic decided to undertake the task of polling the Drake University student body, as well as its faculty and staff, to place a more concrete measure on the political leaning and climate of our campus.

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The poll could be taken in two ways: online through a Drake Qualtrics survey or by visiting a table that was set up alongside Helmick Commons on the afternoons of Oct. 27 and 28.

Respondents were required to include their Drake ID number and exactly one vote to be accepted in the poll. The ballot showed the names of the four presidential candidates who are polling most highly on a national level. They were listed in alphabetical order as follows:

• Hillary Clinton (D)
• Gary Johnson (L)
• Jill Stein (G)
• Donald Trump (R)

There was also a “Write-In” option for those who wanted to vote for other candidates. The poll began online on Oct. 12, with the first response being submitted at 10:19 p.m. The poll was first shared to The Times-Delphic’s Facebook page on Oct. 13.

The final ballot was submitted via online poll on Oct. 30, with the survey form being closed the following morning.

Of the cumulative 497 ballots filled out, 36 were removed for one of two reasons.

1. The response did not indicate an actual or potential presidential candidate, such as writing in “Abstain” or “Pedro/ Harambe”.

2. The ballot did not complete the required protocols, such as filling in a fake, incomplete or repeated ID number.

Also, if it appeared as though a response had a simple mistake or typo in it, such as writing in “Lloyd Kelsi” as opposed to “Lloyd Kelso,” the response was accepted so long as the true intent was clear.

Respondents were given the option to share the college(s) they belong to and their grade level along with their reply, although this was not required for a submission to be accepted.[/toggle]

Vote Totals


Grade Levels
