Introducing this year’s Drake intramurals staff members

Column by Joanie Barry

For the past two years, we’ve had a traditional article introducing the readers to the rest of the intramural staff.

Adrea Holler. Holler is the senior member of our staff. Some of you dedicated intramural readers may remember that last year we thought we would have to say good-bye to Holler for good. Fortunately for us, some of her pharmacy rotations have brought her back to Des Moines.

Frances Thomas. Don’t judge her by her small stature. She is tough as nails. Frances, or Frank, as I call her, has been instrumental with intramurals for the past three years. This is her final year with the program, and we won’t know what to do without her next year.

Jake Wasserman. You will most likely see Wasserman holding down the fort on flag-football Sundays. As our residential football supervisor, Wasserman can always be counted on for supervising our toughest games.

Drew Gibson. Gibson was another stand-out official from last year. Gibson only worked with us for a semester before we decided to call him up to the big leagues. Despite being a novice to the intramurals program, Gibson has been a solid leader in the program already. He’s going to prove to be an invaluable resource come basketball season.

Alyssa Mougin. Alyssa is an expert at filling out injury reports. In addition to the other responsibilities of being a supervisor, Mougin, along with Pam Sanford, have taken on the extra role of scheduling our intramurals staff. Seeing as we have a record number of employees on our intramurals staff, scheduling is a difficult feat.

Forest Wrede. Wrede is our best, and essentially our only, soccer supervisor. His competitive spirit on the playing field transitions well into great leadership within the IM staff. Always ready to share an idea, Wrede has flourished as a supervisor.

Matt Bentz. Bentz made his name at intramurals as a stand-out official. Bentz is one of the most requested officials for flag football. It is because of that talent that Bentz officiates almost as much as he supervises.

Alex Smith. Smith and Bentz are similar. They are both ridiculously tall and ridiculously talented officials. Like Bentz, Smith has been known as a great football and basketball official for two years. He was so good at his job that we hired him as a supervisor straight from his role of official.

Pam Sanford. Sanford is probably one of our most organized officials. She gets to work early for every shift. Also, I swear the woman has the volleyball and soccer rulebooks memorized. When I work with her for volleyball, an official may ask me a question, and she will have an answer for  him or her before I can even register what the question was.

Riley Poe. (junior supervisor) promoting Poe to junior supervisor was a no-brainer last year. Throughout his freshman year, Poe proved to be a hard worker and a dedicated employee. Already as a junior supervisor, Poe has shown great initiative. He even has a binder solely for intramurals purposes and may be starting an intramural video game tournament. Make sure to check the TD for future information.

Jackie Grimm. (junior supervisor) You can never miss Grimm on the intramural fields. Just look for something neon colored ,and you will find her. Grimm was an easy pick for supervisor, too. Her positive attitude and knowledge of the rules make her easy to work with, and she’s a confident official on the field.

Barry is a senior radio-television and secondary education double major and can be reached at