New locations to study around campus

Column by Emily Hecker

So, you’ve been assigned your first pages of reading for the semester. There are a couple hundred of them to get through. Naturally, all of them will require religious note-taking for future tests and quizzes.

Ugh.   Your roommate has picked this as the opportune moment to start listening to heavy metal bands. Now, you have to trudge to Cowles Library or Olmsted Coffee Shop to find some solitude. Of course, everyone and their frat brother are there too. Now what?  May I suggest a few out of the way places to get some much needed studying done.

Olmsted Underground

If you’re already traipsing around Olmsted, why not go down the stairs toward Sussman Theater? You’ll notice several sets of tables and chairs primed for studying. Sure, you’ll see a few sweaty people coming out of the Underground Fitness area, but they’ll be too out of breath to interrupt your quiet time.

Upper Olmsted

Ok, maybe being underground freaks you out a bit. In that case, head up the stairs to upper Olmsted. See that second set of stairs when you reach the top? Buckle down and climb those too. I know no one really likes climbing stairs, but that gives you the advantage.  After you’ve reached the top of Everest (or Olmsted, in this case), you’ll be rewarded with a pretty vacant lounge area. Snag a table, a comfy chair or both and crack open those books.

Library Courtyard

Perhaps you’re the type who refuses to study outside the library. It’s time to expand those horizons. Grab a blanket and head out to the lawn between Jewett and Medbury. This area offers plenty of shade trees. No need to burn up in the heat as you boost brain activity. Plus, the area doesn’t get a ton of foot traffic. This way, you’ll get a little more privacy if having people watch you study freaks you out.

Fine Arts Center

Take a trip over to FAC (a.k.a. the Fine Arts Center) if you’d like some more outdoor study options. Tables on the lawn facing 25th Street eagerly await you. Either claim one of those, or find another next to the red square sculpture on the back end of FAC. Just about everyone complains that FAC is so far, which means you won’t be fighting anyone for your spot. You may even hear one of Drake’s musical ensembles practicing

Laundry Room

In case none of those options appeal to you, try this last one on for size. How about the laundry room? Not the most intriguing location, I know, but hear me out. No one congregates in the laundry room to blast Metallica or play beer pong. This means you can get through a load of dirty T-shirts and some chem notes in one convenient place. Also, you’ll never again forget to pick up your laundry, leaving it abandoned in the dryer for days.

And now you have lots of new spots to check out. So, go forth and study hard!

Hecker is a junior magazines and writing  double major and can be reached at