New retreat approved

Story by Emma Wilson

New business this week at Senate was kept short to allow for discussion at the end in relation to the upcoming senate executive elections.

In unfinished business, sophomore Julianne Klampe was nominated to be the Election Commission co-chair. This position is in charge of upholding the bylaws of the Election Commission and making sure fair elections are occurring at Drake. The motion was passed by acclimation.

Senate approved a policy change for the Board of Student Communications. The policy change is regarding the way the BSC can remove a BSC organization.

To remove a BSC organization, two out of three organizations consisting of the BSC, Student Senate, and Faculty Senate would have to approve it. The motion was passed by acclimation.

Senate approved funding for a first-year retreat sponsored by the Wellness Board. The retreat called the “Life Project” will occur March 30-31 at the YMCA Camp in Boone. The goal of the project is to welcome first-years to Drake and promote leadership skills.

“It’s an opportunity for first-years do some self-reflection,” Jack Mescher, one of the project’s creators said. The motion was passed by acclimation.

The men and women’s Ultimate Clubs both requested funding from Senate to attend tournaments. The women’s team will be attending tournaments in Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. They requested $780.75 however, that amount left out the costs of return transportation so the motion was amended to cover those costs with a total of $1,111.50.  The men’s team will be attending a tournament in Murray, Ky. and was allocated $808. Both motions were passed by unanimous ballot.

The St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Student Center requested funding for a spiritual retreat in Indianola from March 8-10. Several members of the group attended the SEEK conference in Orlando, Fla., over winter break and the retreat will allow the group to bring back a similar experience to students who were unable to attend the SEEK conference. The motion was passed by unanimous ballot.

The wrestling club, which was recently approved as an official organization, requested funds to pay for mats and additional wrestling equipment. This equipment will allow for a safer way for the club to practice. The group plans to share the mats with other groups including the Tricking Club and Gong Fu Club. The motion was passed by acclimation.

The Senate meeting was finished with a short question-and-answer session with each of the Senate executive candidates. Vice President of Student Life David Karaz is running for Student Body President, Organizational Council Chair Natalie Larson is running for Vice President of Student Activities and Technology Liaison Joey Gale is running for vice president of student life. The question-answer session also featured the write-in candidate for vice president of student life, Josh Duden.