Singing comedian performs at Drake

Drake welcomes Brian O’Sullivan to campus today. A comedian, musician and actor he is the whole package. He grew up in California, went to college in North Carolina, was trained in Chicago and now lives in Santa Monica. He has been in over 700 shows, which include playing music, telling jokes and overall giving the audience a good experience. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting from UNC Greensboro, but his real experience and training comes from Second City, iO Chicago, The Annoyance Theater, The Idiot Box, The Laugh Factory and The Comedy Store. At the moment, he is touring colleges and universities through The College Agency. He is also performing in front of audiences in Los Angeles through The Laugh Factory and The Hollywood Improv.

According to, O’Sullivan’s shows are “a mix of standup comedy, music and improv. His music sounds a lot like Stephen Lynch mixed with Flight of the Conchords and ‘Weird Al Yankovic.’ Brian writes original songs and parodies of popular songs. The subject matter of which varies greatly — anything from Facebook to certain celebrities, to his love for animals and anything and everything in between. His songs can be a little scandalous or on the edge, but it is always “good natured.” Brian also plays an improvised song based on information he gets from the current audience.

O’Sullivan has been involved in many production, films, sketch groups and the like. Total they include involvement in 25 staged productions, five commercials, seven independent films, hundreds of professional improv shows, and performances in hundreds of shows. He has also founded active sketch comedy groups in Greensboro and Chicago. He was recently asked to submit materials for a new sketch show on TBS.

O’Sullivan is only a year-and-a-half out of college, which is probably why his ideal audiences are college students. Because of this, his fan bases on social media sites are on the rise. He updates his Facebook and Myspace frequently with videos and new songs.

This event to kick off Relays tonight at 8 p.m. in Parents Hall.