Drake Theatre Arts' latest production depicts two singles on a blind date. The catch? They have almost nothing in common. Graphic courtesy of Amber Hussain
This upcoming week, Drake’s Theatre Arts Department is going on a first date! Well, kind of.
Austin Winsberg’s musical “First Date” is about two singles, Aaron and Casey, who are going on a blind date in a restaurant. The two are trying to navigate the date while having almost nothing in common.
The writer of the script, Austin Winsberg and the music writers, Alan Zachary and Michael Weiner, worked together to write the show. Both of the music writers are married but writing from the experiences from their own real-life first dates.
Stephanie Mayer, a senior majoring in musical theater at Drake, understudies Casey, one of the show’s leads, for Drake Theatre Arts Department’s upcoming rendition of “First Date.”
“I’m so excited to perform in the upcoming musical,” Mayer said. “It’s turning out so good so far.”
In addition to her role as an understudy, Mayer also plays a waiter that the cast dubbed “Daisy.” She described Daisy’s character as “ditsy, quirky and a determined gal.”
Mayer has performed in two other Drake musicals and has enjoyed seeing how they come together over time.
“We will bring this show to life because we have a lot of different personalities,” Mayer said. “Even though the script can be written one way, everyone’s talents can bring something entirely new to it that maybe wasn’t thought about in the first place. They bring a part of themselves into the character, that just makes it more human.”
Gabe Borken, a second-year majoring in musical theater, is one of those personalities. Borken, who plays Aaron in the show, described his character as very similar to himself and talked about how the show always allows him to discover new interpretations of the script.
“I love getting to play this character,” Borken said. “We are very similar, and getting to play a character so like myself has been a super exciting experience, as well as a fun challenge when exploring our differences.”
The actors learned the music in just three days and are currently working on perfecting the staging and choreography that goes along with the script.
“My favorite part about being a part of ‘First Date’ has been discovering new things about the show every time we run it,” Borken said. “The script is very funny, and I discover a new joke, a new character trait or a new way to deliver a line every time we run through the show.”
As one of the main characters in the show, Borken has had the opportunity to be a part of numerous different scenes.
“My favorite scene is when I sing the song ‘In Love With You,’ which happens toward the very end of the show,” Borken said. “I won’t spoil it, but performing this song is some of the most fun I’ve ever had on stage, and I hope the audience enjoys it as much as I do.”
Mayer said Drake’s musical theater program has been rehearsing the show every night since late August.
“I think that all the work that we are doing in the rehearsal room is just translating really well, so I’m very excited to perform it,” Mayer said.
“First Date” will run from Oct. 3 through Oct. 6 in the Coleman Studio Theatre in the Harmon Fine Arts Center. Tickets will be $8 dollars for students. Tickets can be purchased by going online to the Drake University Theatre Arts page and clicking on their tix.com link.