Iowa State Fair goers can connect over live shows, local food vendors, butter cows and more! There’s something for everyone to explore, whether you’re from Iowa or just visiting. photo by Maria Heath and Emma Ketelsen
Is it worth hazarding the pandering politicians and the heat to go to the Iowa State Fair? Absolutely! Putting aside the conservative undertones of the last several years, there’s a lot to enjoy and learn at the Iowa State Fair whether you’re new to the farm or have lived it your whole life. Iowa farm native Emma and city girl transplant Maria braved the state fair to give you the best spots to find next year.
The Iowa State Fair boasts 170 years of history, family fun and community. A butter sculpture of the Sky Glider celebrated the 50th anniversary of the state fair staple alongside the perennial Butter Cow. When we visited, the line was past the barrier ropes; with everyone wanting to visit the timeless cornerstone.
Rural Iowans like Emma grew up making the trek to Des Moines to show animals, present their 4-H static projects and enter some of the most ridiculous contests in the Midwest. (There’s one for spitting sunflower seeds and another for calling in the pigs.) Iowa transplants who move to Iowa from out-of-state, like Kansan Maria who moved to Iowa to attend Drake, can be enraptured by all the people, the festivities and the fair fever.
What is the Iowa State Fair without the mouth-watering and innovative food? With more than 80 new dishes to try this year, there is something for everyone. Emma’s tradition lies with the Corn Stand and the dependable pork chop on a stick, but this year she found a new favorite: the deep fried Uncrustable, (or also known as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, for those with more mature palettes).
Maria’s journey to finding a new favorite was a little different. Last year, Emma introduced Maria to the world of the Iowa State Fair, and the pair scoured the fair grounds for allergy-friendly options. Despite Iowa being a top producer of it, Maria’s favorite was corn on the cob on a stick. (Basic, I know.) However, in a place where being vegan is taboo, it gave her comfort and a big smile. This year, she tried authentic kettle corn, and it will be the first stop on her trip next year.
At an estimated average $10 per food item, eating at the Iowa State Fair can eat up your paycheck. But with the right planning, reliable reviews and a willingness to wait for the perfect dish, it can be worth every penny.
Iowa’s unofficial end of summer celebration (there’s literally a state law that prohibits school from starting until the fair is over) is not just entertainment but also an opportunity to learn. City slickers can see baby goats that were born the same day and homesick college kids can see cows you want to pet because they look and act like really big dogs. The life-long passions of Iowans are put on display at the fair. It is a menagerie of the best in the Hawkeye State.
The Iowa State Fair is made up of Iowans. Local vendors boast their Iowan origins, and many Iowa teenagers experience their first job at the fairgrounds. All the animals on display in the Avenue of Breeds hail from local farms. The State Fair is about community because it is created by the community.
Most of all, the Iowa State Fair is about the people. We fell into a conversation with a kind woman who then offered us two tickets to the Giant Slide. Sometimes the cost of things is making a friend, even if it’s fleeting.
We bonded with people in the beer tent over funny t-shirts and drinks that looked appealing. Emma struck up conversations with artists that were delighted to share their inspirations and fair experiences regardless of whether they made a purchase. Even amidst a sea of more than 100,000 attendees the day we went, we still managed to run into friends and neighbors hundreds of miles from home.
While the Iowa State Fair may feel monotonous at times with the same vendors and attractions returning year after year, there are little things that keep it feeling exciting and new. As the world advances and new entertainment is always at our fingertips, sometimes it’s nice to return to traditions you know you can always expect. There is nothing to overthink about returning to favorites.
Same place, same time, new foods and new memories. The Iowa State Fair should be a bucket list item for everyone and a summer tradition for those close enough to come every year.