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As summer comes to an end, Virgo season begins. The sun entered Virgo on August 23 and will make its way through the house until September 23, 2021. A new sense of determination and efficiency will be in the air. Wednesday’s full moon in Pisces will play a part in the week as well.
Aries: The full moon on Wednesday ends a cycle in your life. Take this time to find closure on past events and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose. Take time to implement self-care tasks that allow you to move throughout the week calmly.
Taurus: The week ahead provides you with an opportunity to dive into new friendships and to strengthen older connections. Listen to those around you and open your mind to unique opportunities. Unlikely friendships are often found in unlikely places.
Gemini: Strides towards personal goals will be made this week. It would be wise to focus on your creativity along with your plans to pave the way to the right career path. Move forward with confidence as you approach challenges.
Cancer: As you start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, do not get stuck reliving your journey before you reach your destination. Bask in the positivity around you and take time to notice the small signs that you are doing what you are meant to do.
Leo: As the sun exits Leo, you may feel drained or discouraged, but now is the time for fresh starts. Find yourself shedding negative energy and embracing your new adventure head-on. Recognize your past efforts and move forward in a way that shares your truth with others.
Virgo: Welcome to your season and happy birthday! Things may be falling into place as you move forward, providing you with flexibility and compassion as you settle into your new routine. There is romance in the air this week, and your heart will remain open for the rest of Virgo season. The opportunity to open yourself up to love and to be loved will soon present itself.
Libra: As we near Libra season, answers to past questions may illuminate themselves. Take time to think about what motivates you, and take time to create concrete goals. Having time for yourself is important; a trip to Helmick Commons may be in order.
Scorpio: Emotions and vulnerability may be heightened, which can feel uncomfortable. Take time to embrace vulnerability and listen to your own intuition. Building confidence in yourself is a necessary activity. Practice an old hobby or try something new.
Sagittarius: Wednesday’s full moon is bringing you full circle. A nice chat with old friends may help you feel more comfortable. Focus on settling in and creating a place where you feel at home. Try breathing new life into something old.
Capricorn: Open yourself up to new opportunities in employment. Treat yourself to that item you have had your eyes on. Explore your passions and find what is driving you. Finding your motivation will allow you to explore your ambitions.
Aquarius: Let your curiosity guide you down a new and unexpected path. Instead of looking for the answers in the world around you, look inward. Ask yourself the hard questions and let yourself explore. You will surprise yourself this week.
Pisces: The full moon is in Pisces. Take this time to celebrate yourself and your successes. Embrace your freedom and allow yourself a breath of fresh air. Spend time in nature and allow yourself to daydream. The future holds the perfect opportunity for improvement.