Drake University is not only home to just under five thousand students, but is also a hub for hundreds of student-led activities, clubs and sports. When you put together classes and all of these activities, it’s a recipe for a busy schedule.
Claire Franksen is a senior at Drake who feels that she encapsulates the phrase “Drake busy” that is well- known around the campus. Her commitment to her studies and her involvement in Alpha Phi, Fermata the Blue and her job at Drake International fill up her intense schedule.
“I think being ‘Drake busy’ is when you push yourself to the limit and find out where your boundaries are,” Franksen said.
With the spring semester just beginning, Franksen is excited to take a step back and try to enjoy her final days at Drake. Last fall, she worked two jobs and in hopes to calm her hectic schedule, she will only be working one of these jobs this semester.
“Last semester I was waking up at 5:30 a.m. four days a week,” Franksen said.. “Then, I would go to rehearsal until 11:00pm some nights and then have to do it all again the next day.”,” Franksen said.
While Franksen is a senior who has been “Ddrake busy” throughout her college career, first-years are also experiencing this phenomenon, even though they have only been at Drake for a semester.
Morgan Erwin is a first-year student who is working towards receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Directing. She came into college with a clear mindset on how she would avoid the known phenomenon of being “Ddrake busy”.
“I knew I liked to overload myself in high school, so I came in wanting to add to my schedule instead of starting with a fuller plate than I could handle,” Erwin said.
However, as the weeks went on, Erwin found herself committing to more than she had originally planned. She is involved in a sorority and has also worked to gain technical theatre credits while being the First-Year Representative for the Drake Theatre People.
In order to ease her stress and to take time to relax, Erwin has resorted to making lists, which is her favorite method of organization.
“I love my to-do lists, like a lot,” Erwin said.. “I have separate notebooks in which I can write down whatever is going on in my head.,” Erwin said. “If I can see it on paper and check things off, it’s just a better method for me.”
Erwin is among several first-years who are about to embark on their second semester at Drake University. Franksen, as a senior, thinks these students should take a step back and slow things down for a little bit.
“These younger students should realize that you can say no to opportunities and do what is best for you,” Franksen said. “Opportunities are constantly presenting themselves in different ways and you can take them up when it’s the best time for you.”P