Drake Greek Life is ready for a new identity more than a year in the making.
The term “Greek life’ is facing a recent slew of nationwide scandals and negative media attention. Now, that phrase is out and ‘Fraternity and Sorority Life’ is in.
This name change is following what Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Kerry Jordan says has become a national trend.
“It’s just something that better describes our community to what they really are; they’re fraternities and sororities,” Jordan said. “It’s just a better description on who we are.”
The new name comes along with a new website, web domain name and logo.
“Another part of the rebrand is just refreshing our website, our logo, that kind of stuff that really hasn’t been refreshed in over five years,” Jordan said.
The logo and other marketing materials are being created with the help of Drake’s Office of Communications, eliminating additional costs to the rebranding.
“So making sure that we’re having good marketing, brands, and standards, and have it fit in with that discussion too,” Jordan said. “The students really thought that we needed a better website and needed some better marketing and communication too. It really comes together well.”
Junior Nick Kocisak, president of the Interfraternity Council, and junior Maddie Hasley, president of the Panhellenic Council, both agreed with this long-discussed transition.
“It sounds a lot better, a lot more inclusive and, like I said, it reduces the stigma of ‘Greek life,’” Hasley said.
The overall goal, according to Jordan, was to continue to attract potential Drake students by showing off the opportunities to get involved with Greek chapters on campus.
“A lot of the stuff we put out there and create is going to incoming first-year students, so (the Office of Communications) has a vested interest in making sure our marketing standards are up to the University standards too,” Jordan said.
The hope to draw new, more diverse members was echoed by Kocisak.
“I think (the rebranding) goes along with inclusiveness,” Kocisak said. “We want new people coming onto campus, hearing Fraternity and Sorority life, thinking that that’s ‘something that could be for me’ but if they hear ‘Greek life,’ it might turn them away. Hopefully it will draw in a more diverse crowd when it comes to recruitment and everything.”
Hasley is optimistic about the change, even though it was put into place before she took office as the president of the Panhellenic Council.
“It was kind of put in our hands and, at this point, we just have to grow from it and utilize the work they’ve done so far,” Hasley said.
The need to rebrand Greek life was reinforced at the College Panhellenic Academy and the Interfraternity Council Academy conferences that members of the sorority and fraternity community attended this January.
“(The conference) is something (where) we can see other universities,” Jordan said. “There’s also just been discussion about (rebranding) there. Other universities, how they’ve done that process moving from Greek life or Greek affairs to Fraternity and Sorority Life, so we’ve kind of started a discussion about that around this time.”
According to Jordan, the total rebrand will be ready after students return to campus from spring break. However, their biggest piece of marketing, a brochure highlighting the Greek community at Drake, will take longer.
“I hope that it’s a positive impact,” Jordan said. “I hope that moving to fraternity and sorority life that they feel that it’s a better representation of who they are, as fraternity and sorority members.”