The Times-Delphic • April 27, 2015 •
Humans of Drake
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Sophomore Brenna Paukert profiles nine members of the Drake community through a series of photos and conversations.
RACHEL SPITZIG“For me, trekking isn’t about the destination. It’s all about the path to the destination. For two weeks, I spent every waking moment with eight strangers and a guy I had barely known for six months crossing the Himalayas with no connection to the outside world. That was the real adventure.”MOLLY LAMOUREUX“I went to New York over spring break and had three interviews set up. In less than 48 hours, Harper’s Bazaar got back to me. I didn’t even think twice. I really wanted to do this and knowing that all my hard work was recognized by someone as prestigious and important as Harper’s Bazaar made me feel really good. It confirms that all these extra fashion endeavors are worth my time.”KELSEY TYLER“When I was eight my mom and I had just pulled into a McDonald’s parking lot. We were about to get out of our van when a car came racing around through the lot. A girl rolls out of the passenger side. I don’t know if she was pushed or if she jumped. My mom immediately went over to her and helped pick her up and said ‘You don’t ever let anyone treat you like that’ and gave her a hug. It’s one of the reasons why my mom is my favorite person.”HANNAH ERICKSON“If I could major in painting and make tons of money from it, I would totally do so. It’s something that I can really get lost in for a long time. I love doing people — faces and interactions and body positions — there’s something about painting a person. You know, they’re very unique. Even if you don’t get it right but you get the emotion right, you’re still portraying who they are.”GRACE ROGERS“I started being a soccer fan when my family got season tickets to the Kansas City soccer team, Sporting Kansas City. After a while, my parents told me that I needed to stop talking about soccer because I was getting really annoying. I figured if I can’t talk about soccer to my parents, I would just go talk about soccer on the Internet. So I started blogging and writing.”DEREK NYSTROM“I think I’m just really fortunate to have had family that has been 100 percent supportive of what I’ve wanted. I’ve never really felt any judgment from my family. My boyfriend and I met online on Grindr, his name is Eric. He’s from back home in Illinois. He’s really tall, taller than me. He’s really nice, caring, hard working. He’s a little shy while I’m more outgoing, so we balance each other out really well.”ADAM USSHER“I went to New Orleans for Spring Break to see some family. I got to the airport on time [to go home]. I got to my gate, sat down with my Subway, had a book ready and all of a sudden I heard a loud bang…followed by two more really loud bangs. People were running around, freaking out. I want to become a cop so I thought, ‘I need to stay here in case somebody needs me.”ALI JANDAL“My favorite daydream is being at the Relays as a complete underdog. Lap one I’d always be in the mix. Lap two the leaders would break off. The third lap one guy would break off and I’d go behind him; and then the last lap we’d just be head to head until 200 meters and then I’d just take off and yell … and take off and go sprinting towards the finish and then cross. Even now it gives me chills.”
ALLISON RICHTER“I was born and raised Catholic … my faith is a rock in my life, like a foundation. It stays constant when everything else is changing. Something my mom would always tell me when I was little is ‘There is nothing that you are going to do today that you and God aren’t doing together.’ It’s really reassuring to me to remember that I’m not doing it alone.”