Wands, wizards, witchcraft. There’s only one place that could contain all this: Pottermore. An extension of the “Harry Potter” novels, J.K. Rowling reveals the secrets of Harry Potter including details regarding characters, locations and just more about Harry Potter in general on this website. Pottermore also allows its members to buy e-books and read new details about Harry Potter.
“For the most part, I really like it. I think it’s a lot of fun to go more in-depth in the Harry Potter story. I’ve had the account a little over a year,” said first-year Rudy Kammel.
Last spring, Pottermore exploded all over campus.
“I heard about it spring semester last year when it kind of blew up, and everyone was playing each other in the potions game and stuff.” said sophomore Mikhala Stuzman. “It blew up for a month, but then kind of faded out. At one point it was super intense, and everyone was super nerdy about it. I played it for a short time last year. I signed up for it over J-term because I was taking a class that was about Harry Potter, and I got super into it. It was just a cool way to remember my childhood, and I had a hard time of letting go of Harry Potter because it was such a big part of my childhood. So when this website came out, it was awesome.”
Pottermore takes you through the stories of Harry Potter, and it starts out on the street of the house he lived in: Number 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging. The game offers insight into some of the minor characters and gives more background information about them.
“This aspect of the game interested me more than the actual game.” Stutzman said. “I’m an English major so I think it’s really fascinating how J.K. Rowling writes and how she develops her characters, and what might seem like a small detail in the book had so much thought put into it. Pottermore made me realize how much time it took for her to put all the stories together.”
Pottermore also allows you to be sorted into one of the four houses: Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.
“I was placed in Ravenclaw,” Stutzman said. “I took a quiz that asked questions like what potions would you choose: love, potion, luck, etc. I was so happy, Ravenclaws are so smart and studious.”
While Pottermore seems like an amazing website, there are a few problems with it.
“I don’t like how it takes so long for her (Rowling) to come out with new parts. I just want to read more. It’s going to take seven years to be finished, I want it now,” Kammel said.