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Drake students are taking on more than a new class schedule and jet lag as they go abroad for a semester. Drake University offers many opportunities for students to work as interns for companies in different countries. Students can earn credit for college and gain valuable material for their resumes.
Jen Hogan is the assistant director of international programs and services and of the study abroad program at Drake. Hogan helps students find internships that are compatible with their study abroad programs.
There are seven study abroad programs that offer internships for students in a variety of countries such as Australia, India, China and South Africa. The benefits of these internships have lasting effects.
“Many students create networking opportunities or a sparked interest in seeking employment abroad after graduation,” Hogan said.
Most internships are unpaid, but students earn credit for the internship work that they complete. Hogan said that students incorporate the internship into their class schedule as they would regular class credit.
Sophomore student Nicole Scilingo, a public relations and international relations double major, secured an internship in Vienna, Austria for the semester through Drake. She was referred to a public relations agency called euroSEARCH Dialog. She was hired after an interview with the chairman of the agency.
On a typical day, Scilingo said she is often involved in translation exercises because she speaks German well. She was assigned to translate the company website into English in order to expand the company’s reach of customers.
Scilingo said her advice for other students who are considering internships abroad is to embrace the opportunity and take advantage of all the programs have to offer.
“Just go for it,” Scilingo said. ”It’s unlikely that you’ll ever get another chance to live in a different country for an extended period of time, and it’s shaping my future in ways I never dreamed.”
Want an internship abroad?
Oliver Housman spent a semester abroad in London and interned for Fox News, which turned into an experience of a lifetime. He ended up covering the Royal Wedding. Here are his six tips for getting an internship abroad.
Look for something that’s related to your major.
Be flexible with the opportunities that are presented.
Be willing to interview at many places, but don’t get discouraged if a majority of them turn you down.
Be excited and adventurous.
Be willing to try new things or expand your boundaries.
Sell yourself as an asset to the company, but don’t overdo it.