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6:22 p.m. Feb. 20
Security personnel were monitoring the Des Moines Police Department radio traffic when they were advised of a vehicle pursuit that ended with a collision in the 1400 block of 27th street in parking lot No. 17. The suspect fled the scene on foot and left the vehicle, which was occupied by two female non-Drake affiliated subjects. Drake security personnel and DMPD canvassed the area and located the suspect. The suspect was placed into custody with no further incident.
12:53 p.m. Feb. 21
Security personnel responded to Stalnaker Residence Hall on an odor investigation. Staff reported a smell of marijuana coming from one of the rooms. Security made contact with the occupants of the room: one female student, one male student and another non-Drake related male. Security noticed the strong smell of marijuana from the room and conducted a room inspection where a pipe for smoking marijuana was located. The students admitted to smoking marijuana approximately a half hour before security’s arrival. The dean of students was notified about the incident.
9:26 a.m. Feb. 21
Security personnel were advised by a staff member that while sorting through the mail at Herriott Residence Hall she picked up an envelope that leaked an unknown white powdery substance. Security notified the Des Moines Police Department, the Des Moines Fire Department, hazardous materials and the postal office. Emergency personnel responded to the scene immediately. The residence hall was evacuated while emergency personnel secured the scene and began their investigation. Security was approached by a male student who admitted to sending a letter containing a white powdery substance as a joke. The scene was deemed secure by emergency personnel and the residence hall was re-opened. The postal inspector is further investigating this case. The dean of students was notified about this incident.
4:24 p.m. Feb. 21
Security personnel were advised by a staff member that a suspicious male was seen wandering the hallways at Jewett Residence Hall. Security responded to the scene and noticed a man matching the description provided. As security approached the man fled on foot. Security made contact with the subject who was non-Drake affiliated. The male stated he was trying to sell some equipment and CDs, which were not in his possession. The subject was advised that he was not allowed on campus.
12:23 a.m. Feb. 22
Security personnel were contacted by a Drake staff member of Jewett Residence Hall and were informed that a theft had occurred. Security spoke to the victim who was a male student. The student stated that he left his room on Feb. 21 at 2 p.m. He stated when he returned later that night at approximately 8 p.m. he noticed several items missing. The student stated he was unsure if he locked his door or not. The student contacted the Des Moines Police Department and a police report was taken.
12:26 a.m. Feb. 22
Security personnel were contacted by a male student who stated his ex-girlfriend, who is non-Drake affiliated, was outside his residence on the 1200 block of 24th Street. He stated he was concerned she may harm herself and requested security respond. Security, the Des Moines Police Department and mobile crisis arrived on scene. Mobile crisis assessed the situation and spoke to the female party to conduct a welfare check.
4:35 a.m. Feb. 24
Security personnel were advised the Des Moines Fire Department and medics were en route to the Goodwin-Kirk Residence Hall on a medical call. Emergency personnel arrived on scene and transported a male student to a local hospital for complaint of severe pain to the lower left back.