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How to write us

We appreciate your comments! Please send letters to tdeditorinchief@gmail.com. You must include your email, phone number, and address for verification purposes.

Thank you for contributing to The Times-Delphic.

Letters & Submissions Policy

The Times-Delphic strives to represent student views as accurately and honestly as possible. We rely on readers to provide us with criticism, comments, and new ideas so that we can continue to serve the interests of the students in the fairest possible way. We encourage interested readers to submit letters to the editor. Letters must include the author’s name and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be published. Deadlines for guest submissions are noon on Sunday for the weekly edition.

The Times-Delphic reserves the right to edit letters and submissions for space and in the interest of taste. Letters and submissions reflect only the opinions of the authors and should be limited to 250 words.

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